Separation Anxiety in Pets Is Manageable

How to manage your pet’s separation anxietyDo you have to travel for work, or to see family?There are so many things to consider before you leave your home for a holiday or a convention, or a night out, or and, if you’re leaving a four-legged companion behind, you have some extra considerations.Imagine if you simply left your young children all alone with no word about where you were disappearing to, or when you’d be back, or who would care for them while you were gone.No instructions on what to do – or not do – or how to contact you for help if they need it.

Not good.If you do that to your fur-family member, they could experience separation anxiety, triggering bad behavior, and poor health.But 寵物去新西蘭 separation anxiety in pets is manageable and avoidable if you take the right approach.It doesn’t even have to be a trip. It can be a change in your daily routine – like going to the office, then working from home for several weeks, then going back to the office.Consider that switching up your routines without talking to your pet about it is just like changing your shift rotation and not telling your husband and kids!Pets, like the human loved ones in your life, deserve to be ‘kept in the loop’.They’re relying on you, and when you change your patterns and habits with no notice or proper provision for them, they must try to change along with you.Unfortunately, their coping mechanisms can be more destructive than the ones your family might employ…

Preventing separation anxiety in pets takes thought and care

You are your dog’s entire world… anxiety can affect them much more severely than other more independent minded pets.And while cats try to sell themselves as aloof and disinterested unless you’ve filled the food dish or cleaned the litterbox, they care about your schedule, too.You might think that boarding your horse at a farm across town is a better option than your small paddock because of the space to roam and company of other horses… but they’ve become accustomed to a certain daily pattern.You are part of their herd. Time spent apart from you can be stressful if they don’t know what’s happening or why, or have questions or concerns.I’m not suggesting that you can never switch things up in your routines, or leave your pet with a sitter or at a kennel… but they need to be told what’s happening, and why.

Treat your pet like someone who deserves to know what you know

Separation anxiety in pets arises when your pet feels like they’ve been left in the dark. So, before you make any change to your schedule – permanent or temporary – be sure to give them the details.That means, you have to tell them:

